Friday, June 26, 2020

Republican Super PAC donates to Democrat primary candidate

Fascinating example of ethnic networking in action. Recall that we are told that we live in a 'post racial' world in which tribalism is a primitive relic that should be avoided at all costs.

Well, tribalism turns out to be fine if you are Jewish. A Republican Super PAC was caught donating money to the primary election campaign of a Jewish Democrat in order to help him defeat his competitor - a young black man.
The super PAC is called Americans for Tomorrow’s Future, following in the proud tradition of nonsensically named political action committees. The connections to the GOP are apparent enough that the Center for Responsive Politics lists it as “Republican/Conservative.
The Democrat candidate, Eliot Engel, is an old-school Jewish warmonger whose primary interest appears to be Israel.
The PAC, presumably due to its visible Republican ties, is not spending directly in Engel’s New York primary. Instead, it funneled $100,000 to another super PAC, called Democratic Majority for Israel, on May 27.  
Imagine the Yiddish howls if Chinese people were to set up a 'Democratic Majority for China' PAC.
Since cashing the Americans for Tomorrow’s Future check, DMFI has spent more than $600,000 boosting Engel and hitting Bowman on TV, and with digital ads, mailers, and paid phone banking. DMFI has not spent money on any other race since taking money from the GOP operation. 
Israel is the main issue for Engel's donors:
Pro-Israel groups have contributed more than $1.3 million to Engel over the course of his career. NORPAC, another pro-Israel PAC, is Engel’s second largest contributor this cycle, after the Pro-Israel America PAC, and has given his campaigns $132,509 throughout his career. 
Welcome to the world of dark money:
Engel is on the receiving end of nearly $1 million of outside big money and counting, including funding from two other dark-money groups that can’t be traced. One group is called Avacy Initiatives Inc., and has reported spending roughly $120,000 so far to boost Engel, using the firm Red Mountain Media LLC, which has left precious little digital footprint. 
The only other spending that dark-money group has done was in support of Teresa Leger Fernandez, who recently won a New Mexico congressional primary against Valerie Plame, who came under fire for a series of anti-Semitic Twitter posts. 
Another dark-money group, Perise Practical Inc., has spent $180,000 in support of Engel. It also spent on behalf of Leger Fernandez, and also uses Red Mountain Media LLC for its spending. Both groups have the same treasurer on their founding documents, David Krone, the former chief of staff to former Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. 
Remember, being tribal and identifying with your European history is terrible. Jordan Peterson and a host of other people repeatedly hammer that home.

There appears, however, to be a highly tribal group that never gets called out for ethnic nepotism. They are so interested in their own causes/interests that they will fund the alleged opposition party.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Jewish Archbishop of Canterbury decries white male privilege

Not at all surprising. The 'white' Archbishop of Canterbury pulls a 'fellow white people act', excoriating white males for their privilege.

He is, oddly enough, Jewish. Surprise surprise.

Friday, January 3, 2020

The chosen people....

Another hamburger joint toilet rape in Sweden

This time a 15-year old girl, raped on a toilet at Max's hamburgers in the center of Täby. An Afghan man (surprise surprise) has been arrested for the crime.

Here's another link about a rape by Afghans.

Woman raped in sleepy Swedish university town

Apparently it isn't sleepy anymore.
An area in Halmstad around a tunnel under County Road 26 has been blocked off during the morning. The reason is that a woman is suspected of being raped outdoors during the night and the place has to do with the suspected act.  "We are looking for a dog in the area to see if we can find any trace after the crime", police spokeswoman Jenny Widén told SVT. 

Arab migrant in Sweden beats landlady to death in front of her child

Another great contribution to Europe. A low-IQ migrant of Arab descent beat his 24-year-old 
landlady to death in front of her 15-month-old son:
Abdelali El Hachimi, 34, had lived internally for three months when he beat his landlord to death - in front of her one-year-old son. Now he has been sentenced to life for murder.
He himself denies the crime and blames the landlord's husband.
Right, it was the husband and not some random Arab migrant:
When the police arrived, they were met with "chaos" and blood everywhere: on clothes, on the walls, on the floor. Bloody handprints and footprints. A bloody ground stone and a bloody knife. 
On the bed in one of the apartment's bedrooms was also a 24-year-old woman - murdered. Right next to her was her 15-month-old son. He was unharmed and completely silent, but as the police stepped into the room he started screaming
Can you imagine the damage to that poor little child? 15 months, his mother killed in front of him, completely alone in the world and missing the one guaranteed source of comfort in his life. Heart-breaking. Anyone who has kids knows how sensitive they are to adult behaviour at that age. Left alone in an apartment with your dead mother, completely frightened. Absolutely beyond belief.

The Arab idiot then fled the country. Despite all this, he maintains his innocence.